The rest of the day in Tikalong was filled with playing with Tikalong kids/guys, playing in the river (first time swim in river :P). also we have visited some villagers house have a chit-chat with them, went to old Tikalong school before the new one, visit the kindergarten school building. so for the entire 1 week, i really enjoyed staying here. Also below attached the picture of Tikalong scenery. so what is left in Tikalong? what is the vision in there? what is still hidden there? Read More......
Next day in the trip (13 Oct 2007) Saturday at the morning, there was a gathering, every student from the schools (kindergarten, primary school, junior high school) were gathered together in the church's Hall.
Every student gave their best in singing, choir song.. what a great and wonderful song. and as a gift from us, a bag with stationery. Thanks for the enthusiasm.
Thank you SD/SMP Kristen Filadelfia. After lunch team was divided in 3 teams, 1 team to Maria Village, 1 team stay in Tikalong, and the other to Samantakin village. I was in team to Samantakin, the village can be reached only by walking around 2 hours, passing the forest, swamp and clay.
At night at Samantakin village, with a limited light (no electric line) and a lot of night insects, all villagers with full enthusiasm following our session, one of the session was a game which was building a tower with straws, this game talked about creativity and team work. A session was shared too, so every villages, every people can work together helping and no any quarel/fight each other.
At Sunday (13 Oct 07), praise and worship services at the village, in a school building (not as good as in Tikalong), and i was amazed by the enthusiasm of the children there, there still enthusiasm to follow the praise and worship. After the morning praise and worship service, we did prepare to go back to Tikalong, i really miss the sauce that was made by the wife of the village's pastor.
At last, a lot of Thank you for the experience we have here, we learn about the simple, humble, enthusiasm and homely life. We never forget this village, and hope the best will coming soon to this village, also hope every child in this village can get an education.
Then... 2 hours happy walking back to Tikalong, great travel again.
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Trip to Tikalong happened from 12 - 18 October 2007, already more than 1 years, But this trip still impress my heart and i think in my heart there is already a place for Tikalong. Tikalong is a village in west Kalimantan (Indonesia), we reach Pontianak - capital city of west Kalimantan at 12 Oct 2007 09:00, team from Jakarta total 12 peoples. From Pontianak we have to go to Pinyuh a small town it took around 1 hour to reach there. Then from Pinyuh directly to Tempoak village it took 1.5 hour, the trip until Tempoak was using small mini bus (below picture :D). The challenging part was going to begin... after reaching Tempoak village, the bus has to stop and the trip to Tikalong will by walking or riding motor cycle. At that time there was only several motor cycle that was used.. so several guys have to walk, by walking it took around 2 hours and by motor cycle around 45 minutes. So i did decide to walk, the air there is very clean and fresh You will never find it at town, really a fresh air, came in my lung, clean all polutant from my body.... :P. I really enjoy this walking trip even tough there was a heavy rain happened, so after getting wet for more than 1 hour i reached Tikalong village, in my mind i never imagined that in a small village inside of Borneo Forest, i can see a big school building, a big church with big hall in there. Also on progress to build dormitory building for the students and lectures. what surprise things in next day?? will post it soon in Chapter - 2 Tikalong Trip
For me life is a journey, what kind of journey? Journey to reach my maximal potential in my life. Journey to reveal the hidden puzzle. Journey to see how wonderful this life. Journey to see how great Thou art that create a wonderful earth. Journey to share life to the other. Journey to be a part in a movement to change a nation. Journey to be an excellent servant to our GOD,pleasuring our GOD (Excellent Servant History Maker).
Totally Excellent to overcome the impossible.
Journey from zero to hero have been started.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art!